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4 Simple Tactics To Increase Follower Engagement On Social Media

4 Simple Tactics To Increase Follower Engagement On Social Media

December 10, 2021

It's a well-known fact that every business needs a website and at least one or two social media profiles in today's world. And thankfully, it's easier than ever for an individual to launch a website and open a few accounts on Facebook and the like. 

However, getting people to land on your website or to follow you on social media is an entirely different story. 

Unfortunately, more often than not, businesses find themselves with websites that don't get any hits from search engines and social media posts that get no more than a like or two before fading into oblivion. 

So, we've put together the following quick guide on improving your social media presence for anyone who's ever found themselves in a similar situation. 

Keep reading, and we're jumping into four simple tactics to increase follower engagement on social media. 

Know What Your Followers Want 

Like anything in sales and marketing, you'll need to start with some audience research if you want to do well. 

Why? Because your business isn't trying to connect with EVERY social media user. 

Instead, your business wants and needs to connect with a particular type of person that will already likely be interested in your products or services. 

This person is known as your ideal buyer, and collectively, your ideal buyers will make up some or all of your target audience. 

When a brand gets to know its target audience, it becomes increasingly easy to create marketing and sales material that will resonate with them. 

Create Irresistible Headlines, Copy, And Images

Whether you're an individual hoping to become an influencer or a business owner hoping to increase sales, you can quickly get more people interested in your content by focusing on creating irresistible headlines, resistance-breaking copy, and eye-catching images. 

When social media users scan their feed, they often do so in an exact, predictable manner. 

First off, they start by looking at the image used on a post. Then, if that catches their attention, they'll move their attention to the post's headline. And only then, if the post piques their interest so far, will they start reading any text. 

With this in mind, it's crucial that you take the time to create the best copy possible and use only high-quality images that you think will be interesting to your target audience. 

Then, when you do get it right, your social media followers won't be able to resist liking, sharing, and commenting on your posts! 

After all, even your business logo and the tone of voice used in your posts can have an impact on your engagement levels. You can design your next business logo here: LogoCreator. 

A/B Testing 

A straightforward trick to hone in on the best headlines, copy and images to use on your content is to run A/B tests, which are also known as split tests. 

Essentially, the idea is that you'd create multiple variations of the same post, using different headlines, images, and text copy. 

Then, after posting them all, you'd wait a given amount of time, usually a few weeks or a month, and then you'd review your posts to see which ones received the most engagement. 

By doing so, you'd be able to deduce which headlines, images, and copy were the most compelling to your followers. In turn, you'd be able to craft any future content in a similar fashion, which should technically increase your chances of getting a positive reception. 

In the end, A/B testing is simply the process of trying to figure out what does and doesn't work through elimination. 

Always Include A Call-To-Action 

Sometimes, it's not necessarily that your followers don't like your headlines, text copy, or images, but rather that they don't know your brand yet, or they don't know that you want them to perform a particular action. 

Therefore, it's essential to always include a call-to-action in your posts, which can often give your followers the simple prompt they need to like, share, or leave a comment. Especially when your goal is to drive traffic to a website, CTAs are often highly effective at increasing click-through rates and overall engagement levels. 

So what are you waiting for? Get out there and make the most of your social media today!

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